Magna Zero - The Great Nothing
About the songs:
All Must Go depicts the personal and collective struggle to free the self from attachment by letting go of what we fear to lose the most.
Endure is a song of hope—a story of love’s lasting triumph over pain, fear, and the challenge to approach daily life and all human relationships from our hearts, fully open and vulnerable. As the force that powers humanity’s engine, love ultimately prevails over hatred and division.
The Singularity is an affirmation for virtue, and positivity in the world today.
Under The Dirt confronts the inevitability of death as a path to freedom and gratitude for the fragility of life.
Oblivion voyages through the unknown to return to a state of purity.
Step Into The Light is a journey of transcendence—from the confines of one’s inner demons and the societal trappings of hatred, injustice, and violence—to peace, love, and unity.
Eat You Up expresses the desire to consume all that plagues and haunts one’s true love, in an unconditional acceptance of the dark with the light.
Behind The Sun shares a personal quest for peace through forgiveness.
We Are All is a song for peace, calling on us to seek the common ground that can help heal the divisions and hatred that ultimately lead to war and genocide.
Dark Matter sheds the noise of modern society in a celebration of life and love.
Walking To Nowhere dives headlong into the death of the ego, a journey through which we become nothing and ultimately one with the universe. The song's lyrical voyage into the unknown is a quest to know how to 'die before you die so that you may truly live', and to lose yourself in the process in order to find yourself.